Tryout Registration
***2025 Tryouts will be held in May 2025. More informationation will be shared on our website at the beginning of February 2025***
Our 2024 tryouts schedule, information, and FAQs are below. Filling out this tryout registration form will ensure your player is registered for our 2024 tryouts and that you will receive all communications from the club regarding tryouts, team selections, and all club programs to get your player playing at Eclipse. If you have any questions, please email Thank you.
2024 Tryouts Schedule and Format:
Players who participated on a 2006-2015 Eclipse team or 2016 Future Eclipse during the summer/fall of 2023 will need to attend only the tryout date marked as "New Players and 2023 Eclipse Players" in the tryout schedule below. Previous player evaluations will be compiled with the tryout rating to determine 2024 team selection decisions.
Players who are new to Eclipse or who have only participated in our Winter and/or Spring programs should attend both scheduled tryouts for your age.
2017-20 players do not need to attend any tryouts and should pre-register for our 2024 Future Eclipse Program.
Additional information can be found in the FAQs below. Updates on the tryout and team selection process will be sent to all families of players registered for tryouts (using the Register button below).

Tryout FAQs
What if my new player can only attend one tryout?
While we encourage new players to attend both tryouts, all players who have attended at least one tryout will be considered during the team selection process.
What if my player is unable to attend either of their tryouts?
If your player is unable to attend either of the tryouts scheduled for their age, please email to be added to our alternate tryout list. While attending our normally scheduled tryout dates is highly encouraged, we will make our best effort to set up alternate tryouts for players who may otherwise have conflicts.
Do I need to bring anything to tryouts?
Players should wear athletic clothing featuring no logo for Eclipse or other local soccer clubs. Players should be wearing shin guards covered by soccer socks and soccer cleats. Please bring water and wear sunscreen.
How much do tryouts cost?
We do not believe in charging players to try out. We do select a charity each year to collect donations for at tryouts, so if you enjoy tryouts, you can donate to our selected charity.
What if it rains the day of tryouts?
Tryouts will be on rain or shine. If there is a lightning storm or if one of our grass locations does get closed, we would need to reschedule tryouts to keep the kids safe. If this occurs, we will contact all registered tryout participants via email.
How many teams will you have in each age group? How many kids will be trying out? What are my player's chances?
As tryouts near, we will post our projected teams and coaches. These projected teams will be based on the registrations we have received for tryouts. Historically, we form one team in every age group and have a second and/or third team in age groups with large tryout attendance. Since we have many registrations come in last minute, it is very difficult for us to determine an exact number/chance of making it for any specific player ahead of time.
Can my child try out in an age group different than their own?
No players are allowed to “play down” per US Soccer rules. All players must play in their own age group and may not play in an age group below their own. In some rare instances, players may be allowed to “play up” in an age group older than their year of birth for developmental reasons. These rare instances will need to be approved by the club directors via email ahead of tryouts.
How are teams selected?
We have our coaching staff on hand for tryouts to have a wide range of coaches evaluating players. At the conclusion of tryouts, a compiled evaluation and rating is made for each player based on evaluations from all of the coaches. The club’s directors then meet with the coach of that team to review the ratings and make final decisions.
When will we know if we made the team?
The club will notify families of team selections within one week (typically quicker) of tryouts concluding. Notifications will be sent to the email addresses that accompany the online tryout registration.
How fast do you need to know if we accept our spot if we make the team?
We ask that you let us know as soon as you are able to. In general, about 90-95% of our players respond to accept their spots on the team within 24 hours; however, if you need more time to decide, please communicate your situation to us. We don’t want anyone to have to rush into a decision that they are not ready for.
What if my player does not make the team?
Players who are not selected for teams after tryouts will also be notified by the club via email. At that point, players may be invited if any spots become available. In the event that the waiting list does not work out, the club offers some summer opportunities that are open to all players in the community.
What if my kid is new to competitive soccer and is nervous about trying out?
Every year we have a ton of kids who are trying out for competitive soccer for the first time. We run our tryouts in line with our club’s Coaching Philosophy, so the kids generally have a lot of fun at our tryouts. If your child is particularly nervous, let us know ahead of time and one of our club coaches or directors will be happy to introduce themselves to help your child feel more comfortable with the situation upon their arrival.
Are tryouts required if my kid is U8 or younger?
No. We do not have a set roster size for our Future Eclipse program (U5-U8), so we are able to accept all players who want to participate at this age. Please pre-register for the Future Eclipse Program, so we will be able to easily invite you to complete the registration process when it opens.